Semente do cedro

Dear sirs!

We're looking for exclusive dealer.
We would like you to buy at us sedar nuts (nut kernel of pinus sibirica)!

Please study our information:

Siberian cedar is a tree which is a real pharmacy. Major useful properties are being discovered from the tree itself. The taiga cedar nut has been utilized by human being long ago for nutritious purposes and treatment. Over thousands of years, Siberian cedar serves humanity. The Cedar world is the world of magic and mystery. Siberian cedars are precious resources for all: nut, tar and pine needles. And everything finds a great number of cases for home based applications. But the main merit of Siberian cedar is, of course, its seeds (nut), nourishing and healthful. Products received from cedar nuts are already well known:

- cedar oil,
- creams,
- paste (halva),
and new products :
- cedar mayonnaise,
- yogurt based on fruits and cedar creams,
- chocolate - nut paste.

Taking into account the quality of the product and market for unsaturated cedar nuts and its products - they may be processed and positioned as an elite natural remedy.

Specially processed cedar nut oil is very precious and manufacturers of medical compounds and of precise mechanics (optics) purchase it at the world markets at a price of $80-100 per liter. Judging from their gustatory properties and digestibility, nuts and products of their processing far greatly surpass the analogue of bestial origin. Over many centuries these nuts were used by local population as food product due to their high gustatory properties. Really they are very tasty, especially when they are fried in the shell before use. West European companies prefer buying raw nuts. We can ship raw nuts. In the times of Russian tsar Ivan Grozny (16th century) cedar nuts were a valuable article of export and supplied England and other countries.

Chemical composition of nut is as follows:
(by researcher S. Kochergin)

- fats - 59.9 %,
- proteins - 19.6 %,
- carbohydrates - 16.7 %.

The important distinguishing sign of cedar nut fats is high content of polyunsaturated acids, particularly linoleic and linolenic acids that refer to indispensable acids because they are not synthesized by human organism, but their presence is very necessary for normal vital activity of organism. On their insufficiency in food people are suffering from respiratory diseases. The most sensitive for the lake of these acids are children - pectorials suffer from dermatitis.

Cedar nut proteins are digested freely. They distinguish by higher content of amino acids among which exceeds argynine (20%) - this aminoacid is extremely important for the growing organism. It is established that the composition of nuts includes vitamin A that contributes to organism growth and development. These nuts contain complex of vitamin B and D which stabilize nervous system functioning, improve blood composition and have favorable effect on skin tissue. Cedar nut is especially rich in vitamin B1 (thiamine), vitamin B6 as well, which increases organism resistance towards radiation.

Cedar nuts represent great interest as E (tocoferol) and F vitamin-bearers for what the Greek means "bring progeny". On the lake of vitamin E the fat utilization process is disturbed in human organism, milk generation at suckling mothers ceases, predisposition to atherosclerosis rises up also. Vitamin E amount in cedar nuts exceeds that in walnut, almonds and peanut.

There are founded very important for human organism microelements in cedar nuts - magnesium, manganes, iron, copper, phosphorous, iodine. The nuts are mostly rich in magnesium. By amount of phosphorus cedar nuts surpass all other nuts and oil-bearing seeds and are of equal value to soya beans - the richest source of phosphorus among vegetable recourses. Cedar nut is the source of iodine, the lack of which in food serves one of the main reason of endemic goiter.

Before last century medicine has already outlined valuable dietic and medical properties of cedar nuts. In 1913 a Russian doctor F.A. Avtokratov defined that nuts aid when one has super high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis, they show positive effect when having high stomach acidity or peptic and duodenum ulcer. At the present moment the scientists founded that cedar nuts assist keeping high human ability for work, improving blood composition, prevent from tuberculosis and anemia. Consumption of 100g of cedar nuts provide day's need of human organism for amino acids and necessary microelements.

If you are interested in our information. Please connect to us.

Best regards.

President of Sabin International

Irkutz, Russia
A. Khodjaev

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